
What to expect through having Invisalign Orthodontics in Weybridge

If you are fed up with having crooked teeth then you may have resolved to have orthodontic treatment, and one of the most popular orthodontic systems is Invisalign. It’s a great orthodontic systm and is suitable for most people, and it can be used to treat adults and teenagers. One of the main reasons why it’s so popular due to the virtual invisibility of the clear plastic aligners that are worn during treatment, and which are super easy to keep clean and hygienic. But what can you expect when having Invisalign treatment?

orthodontics in WeybridgeYou’ll need to make an appointment to see Dr James Stubbs or one of our dentists in Weybridge to find out if this orthodontic system will give you the results you are looking for. We’ll only recommend it if we think it will work well for you. The next step is for our dentist to take photos of your teeth, as well as impressions and x-rays. These are used to create 3-D digital images of your teeth, and to predict the movements of your teeth during treatment. The great thing about this is that you will be able to see a virtual representation of how your teeth will look. Once the dentist is happy with the treatment plan, then your aligners will be constructed.

You’ll be given several sets to take home with you, and each set is worn for two weeks before it is changed for a fresh set. The aligners are very comfortable to wear as there are no sharp edges to dig into your gums or cheeks, but you are likely to feel a bit of discomfort when you first begin to wear them. This is perfectly normal, and is something that occurs with all orthodontic treatment as after all, your teeth are moving! Any discomfort should begin to pass as you become accustomed to each new set of aligners, and should be easily controlled with painkillers form your local chemists. If the discomfort feels as if it is too much, then contact us for help and advice.

You’ll need to pop into Weybridge Orthodontics every six weeks or so, as we will need to see how treatment is progressing and to make sure your teeth are moving as planned. We will also supply you with more aligners to keep you going. The progression of treatment does depend on you wearing the aligners just about all of the time. You can take them out for mealtimes, and for the very occasional special event, but other than that you should be wearing them for approximately twenty two hours each day to ensure treatment will finish when planned. It is important that you clean your teeth and the aligners before you re-insert them. Once treatment is finished, be prepared to wear a retainer to help prevent a relapse. A relapse is where the teeth begin to return to their original positions, but wearing a retainer will help prevent this.

Not everyone will need to have such extensive orthodontics in Weybridge. If you only have a few front teeth out of alignment, or have previously had orthodontic treatment but failed to wear a retainer, then you may be able to use a faster system. The Inman Aligner can correct minor orthodontic problems in just a few weeks or months, and is fully removable and unobtrusive. Contact Weybridge Orthodontics to find out more.

Crowded Teeth may Make You a Candidate for Pancreatic Cancer

Crowded teeth may be the reason for your headaches and jaw pains. The effects of malocclusiondo not limit themselves to the oral region, however. A recent study revealed that crooked teeth increase your chances of acquiring serious non-oral diseases like pancreatic cancer.

From malocclusion to pancreatic cancer

Weybridge OrthodonticsIt is easy to maintain proper oral hygiene when your teeth are straight and perfect. Disease-causing bacteria have a lower likelihood of lingering and infecting your teeth and gums.

On the other hand, crowded teeth cause difficulties in brushing or flossing your teeth, creating an opportunity for bacteria to thrive. Malocclusion, combined with poor oral hygiene, may lead to periodontitis or infection of the gums. Gum disease may lead not only to tooth loss but to pancreatic cancer, as well.

Researchers suggest that some bacteria from malocclusion-related gum disease contain carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines, which may react to digestive chemicals in the gut. These might cause the body to become vulnerable to the development of pancreatic cancer. Other studies note that C reactive protein (CRP) found in the blood may be the cause for the likelihood of pancreatic cancer for people with periodontal disease.

A study published in the journal Gut revealed that certain types of gum disease-causing bacteria lead to twice the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. In addition, researchers found that men with a history of gum disease had a 64% increased risk of pancreatic cancer compared with those who never had gum disease. People with malocclusion have a higher risk of getting gum disease, thus increasing the chances of getting pancreatic cancer.

Treatment and Prevention

In acknowledgment of the link between crowded teeth and pancreatic cancer, dentists emphasise the importance of preventing malocclusion early. Observe proper oral hygiene by brushing twice and flossing once a day. Avoid grinding hard objects, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting and other habits that may affect teeth alignment.

Orthodontic treatments are necessary for those with signs of malocclusion, as well. Dentists encourage the use of teeth aligners, which come as conventional metal braces or discreet varieties.

Small discomfort and unsightly appearance are not the only things to worry about when you have crowded teeth. These may cause cancer and other serious diseases if left untreated. Surrey Orthodontics Limited providesclearRXaligners, allowing you to enjoy straight teeth and a nice smile even during treatments. Call us for more information on our orthodontic treatments.

Is Orthodontics in Weybridge Worth The Effort?

The answer to this question is almost certainly yes, especially if your teeth are substantially out of line or if you have significant problems with the way your teeth bite together. If this is the case then you’re likely to find it quite difficult to keep your teeth clean, and especially to floss in between them.

Oral Health Risks Associated with Wonky Teeth

orthodontics in WeybridgeBeing unable to floss and to brush properly increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Tooth decay often occurs in the contact areas in between teeth and is one of the reasons why it’s so essential to clean these areas as it’s very easy for pieces of food to become trapped. In addition dental plaque is more likely to build up in between teeth, and the bacteria in the plaque will utilise any food fragments so they can thrive and multiply.

Gum disease poses a significant risk to oral health and general health, and can result in tooth loss. It’s important to floss right down to and just below the gum line, something that can be extremely tricky to do if your teeth are crooked and overlapping.

Once your teeth are straight you should find them much easier to clean, and as a result you’re less likely to have to spend money on treatments for gum disease or tooth decay, or even worse for replacing the teeth altogether. Orthodontics in Weybridge can also help protect your general health, as gum disease has been associated with a whole host of serious health conditions, most notably heart disease and diabetes.

Crooked Teeth Can Spoil a Nice Smile

Even though the health benefits of a straighter smile are pretty obvious, most people will choose to have their teeth straightened for cosmetic reasons. In fact certain braces systems are designed specifically to improve the cosmetic appearance of teeth as they will only adjust the teeth that are visible when smiling. This can be a huge boost to self-esteem and self-confidence, and these types of braces work within a very short space of time. These shorter treatment times also mean they are often far more affordable than traditional orthodontics in Weybridge.

Which Orthodontics System Will Work Well for You?

The best way to find out is to book an appointment with Dr James Stubbs or another of our Weybridge dentists for a full assessment. They will need to check the way your teeth meet together to see where you have any significant bite problems. They’ll also be looking at which teeth are crowded for crooked, and assessing the size of any spaces that need to be minimised or closed up completely in between teeth.

If you have significant spaces in between your teeth then it might not be possible to close them up completely with orthodontics in Weybridge. In this case you may need to be prepared to veneer one or two teeth after completing orthodontic treatment in order to get the very best aesthetic results. Weybridge Orthodontics offers patients a choice of several different systems so we’re bound to have something that is right for you.

Dealing with Orthodontic Emergencies

In common cases, orthodontic emergencies are rare and are typically not severe. Nonetheless, the discomfort and inconvenience caused by these problems can interfere with the patient’s daily activities. We list down some of the most common emergencies that patients with braces may encounter and some temporary solutions providing relief.

Pain and discomfort

Weybridge OrthodonticsDuring orthodontic treatment, feelings of pain and discomfort are hardly an emergency. But they may still cause our patients some degree of panic. In typical cases, the pain sets in about 6 hours after placement. It will significantly worsen over the next few days. For effective relief, we can recommend pain medication before and immediately after the placement.

Broken or loose braces

Generally, we do not consider orthodontic breakage as an urgent problem. However, a loose brace may cause some problems. When a bracket breaks loose off of a tooth, it can still be attached to the wire through its elastic tie. This is to eliminate the risk of the patient accidentally swallowing the bracket.

The discomfort may come from the bracket’s constant moving or spinning on the wire. We recommend you contact us immediately so our team can advise whether or not the problem must be addressed before your next appointment.

Protruding wires

Even at the early stage of treatment, the teeth will begin to move until they align with their prescribed position. When this happens, the wire used to straighten the teeth will move to the back of the band area. In cases where the bite is being corrected, the wire will be longer at the back of the braces. The wire can poke the gums and cause distracting pain.

We recommend Brace Eeze relief wax to smooth the area and make a buffer between the metal and the mouth. Apply it by taking a small amount and rolling it into a small ball. Flatten it and place it over the poking area of the brace.

Mouth ulcer and sores

At the first few phases of the treatment, the braces can be irritating and rough to the cheek, lips and tongue. In some bad cases, patients can experience ulcers and sores caused by the metal. To alleviate the pain from the ulcer, we recommend applying a small amount of topical cream directly to the ulcerated area. To stop the irritation, a buffer is also advised.

If the pain and discomfort are not resolved by any of these solutions, please contact Weybridge Orthodontics immediately.

The Pleasure of Nail Biting and its Consequences of Displeasure

Almost everyone has enjoyed the pleasure of biting their nails once in their lives. Nail biting occurs anywhere at any time. Maybe you have found yourself chewing on your nails while sitting through a maths lecture or waiting to be interviewed for a potential new job.

orthodontist in WeybridgeAbout half of the human population bite their nails. Some people unintentionally pick up the habit of nail biting as a way to shorten their nails. Others resort to nail biting for the pleasure of relieving themselves from stress.

While nail biting is pleasurable, it bears significant consequences that are detrimental to your oral health. Find out why your orthodontist in Weybridge strongly recommends restraining yourself from taking a bite at your nails.

Why people gnaw at their nails

The main culprits behind every case of nail biting are boredom and stress. Nail biting is a coping mechanism when an individual needs to ease anxiety or must be occupied for a moment. Other emotional triggers, such as loneliness and frustration, also trigger nail biting. Some researchers also suggest that nail biting is a heritable genetic condition.

The oral consequences of constant nail biting

Nail biting is a pleasurable habit that comes at a costly price. The constant chipping of nails can interfere with proper dental occlusion or how your lower and upper teeth come together when you close your mouth. Your teeth might also shift out of position, leading to a poorly-aligned and fragile set.

If you are currently wearing braces, nail biting causes additional pressure on your teeth. When you constantly chew on your nails during an orthodontic treatment, you are at risk for root resorption. Weybridge orthodontists define resorption as the roots of your teeth dissolved by surrounding bone. Root resorption causes the teeth to weaken, making it susceptible to further damage.

Dealing with the nail biting

Teens and adults unable to outgrow the habit of nail biting can resort to a few techniques to lessen its occurrence. One way to lessen the habit is to keep your nails trimmed and short to avoid the temptation of biting them.

If you are a nail biter, there are several options to fix your teeth. Orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign and Incognito can help correct misaligned teeth due to nail biting.

Weybridge Orthodontics can help find the solution that suits you best. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Does It Pay to Undergo Orthodontic Treatments Early?

If people with crooked teeth would cite their least favourite in the world, they would probably say dentists. The costly and sometimes painful dental treatments do not exactly endear ‘tooth doctors’ to the public. Dentists, however, argue that these issues would not happen if people were to undergo early orthodontic treatments.

Why are they important?

orthodontics in WeybridgeCrooked teeth happen for a number of reasons, including genetics, childhood habits, trauma and disease. Whatever the reason, the effects of malocclusion stay the same – more tooth decay, gum disease, loosening of teeth and eventually, tooth loss. Early orthodontic treatments will reduce, if not eliminate the effects of teeth crowding.

Just how early?

Oral health experts suggest that children receive an orthodontic screening by age 6 or 7 because that is the time when permanent teeth start to show and orthodontic problems become apparent. Teeth aligners correct teeth and jaw growth to prevent bad bites. In addition, early treatments help make room for permanent teeth to come in properly, lessening the chance of malocclusions and extractions in the future.

How effective are early orthodontic treatments?

Early orthodontic treatments showed positive results in oral health. In a study of the effectiveness of such treatments, North Carolina researchers found that about 75% of patients treated early with headgears, braces and other dental appliances showed improvement in their teeth alignment.

The earlier people wear braces, the earlier they can remove them. Dental costs will be lower and focused on minimal maintenance work with proper care.

Why do some people take long to wear them?

The use of orthodontic devices depends on the patient’s condition. People with bad habits or situations that complicate treatment may have to wear them longer. Regular smokers and alcohol drinkers may alter their teeth’s condition drastically, which may alter the results of treatments.

How do I take care of orthodontic devices?

Proper oral hygiene and care of dental appliances are the best ways to make orthodontic treatments more effective. Less consumption of tobacco and spirits helps speed up their effects, as well.

Early orthodontic treatments may shorten treatment and costly procedures. With these procedures, people will prevent serious oral health issues, allowing them to enjoy a better smile sooner. Orthodontists in Weybridge provide a wide range of treatments to help fix your dental problems. Learn more about orthodontics in Weybridge.

Improvements That Straight Teeth Can Give You

Nearly no one is naturally gifted with straight teeth without the help of a dental intervention. This drives people to seek for orthodontic treatments that would transform the way they look and feel about their speech and smile.

orthodontic treatmentsVery few people are aware that straight teeth are more than just an aesthetic advantage. As much as they improve many physical aspects, they also help you attain better overall oral health. Here are some of the best dental rewards you will get after an orthodontic treatment.

A cleaner mouth

Straight teeth are easier to brush and floss, driving people towards an improved oral hygiene. Most oral problems are consequences of bacteria accumulation that damages the tooth’s enamel and the neighbouring gums.

Healthier gums

Straight teeth help gums fit securely and correctly around the teeth, providing the best defence against the development of periodontal disease.

In contrast, overcrowded teeth or those that are spaced too far apart are susceptible to irritation and inflammation due to the abnormal orientation.

Minimised risk of pain and wear

Malocclusions, such as overbites and under-bites, can cause the teeth to wear unevenly. Consequently, a few teeth will suffer from excessive force involved in chewing and biting, which should have been distributed evenly among all the teeth.

The undue pressure and uneven wear can result in pain and alter the position of the mouth when chewing, leading to other problems, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. In other cases, the misalignment can also cause the (bone supporting the teeth) and the jaw to suffer from unnecessary stress.

With straight teeth, you can minimise and altogether avoid all these complications.

Improved self-esteem and cognition

In addition to a number of physical and physiological improvements, having straighter teeth also improves your mental health. Studies have shown people with appealing teeth tend to smile more. And the more you smile, the better you cope with anxiety, stress and other mental challenges.

Weybridge Orthodontics can fix crooked teeth with a range of treatments. As one of the biggest dental offices in South England, we will find the best solution to give you straighter, healthier-looking teeth. Contact us today for more information about the services we offer.

Better Smile = Better Quality of Life

Your smile is the first thing people see. Possessing an ideal set of pearly whites can affect an individual’s confidence and self-esteem, especially when dealing with others. An attractive set of teeth translates to a great smile while less than perfect teeth reveal otherwise.

orthodontic treatmentA number of patients with crooked, stained or crowned teeth visit the nearest dental clinic to seek help. Apart from health issues, they simply do not like what they see. While these are cosmetic issues, the underlying effects reach a deeper scale.

Lower self-esteem results in a poor image of oneself. This often results in cases of depression, which leads to a decline in your physical health and mental well-being.

Long-term effects of crooked teeth and poor oral health

Children with poor oral health experience teasing at school. The continuous teasing encourages children to avoid socialising with others due to their imperfect teeth. Some pupils refuse to attend school so as not to experience embarrassment, which affects their educational performance. The negative association with poor oral health follows them into adulthood.

Even adults experience embarrassment, refusing to smile with their crooked teeth. Low self-esteem triggers signs of depression because of isolation and self-hate due to an individual’s fear of ridicule.

The role of a good smile for better life quality

A great smile is essential for success through higher self-esteem. People with straighter and whiter teeth do not fear smiling more often due to their confidence. The boost in confidence that comes with a great smile increases your attractiveness to other people. With a great smile, you will not fear meeting other people or seek new business opportunities.

Increased confidence also opens numerous doors for you. Great teeth improve your chance of achieving financial and socialisation success.

Seeking help for your teeth

Fortunately, hope is not lost for those who wish for a straighter set of pearly whites. Seeking orthodontic treatment improves your physical and mental health. Dental clinics offer affordable and quality procedures to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. In some circumstances, consider cosmetic dental treatments for whiter and brighter smiles.

Weybridge Orthodontics considers it a pleasure to help you achieve the perfect smile. Browse through our services and get in touch with us now.

The Culprits behind Crooked Teeth

Braces exist for one reason – and that is to correct the structure of a person’s teeth. In most cases, the need for orthodontics stems from crooked teeth. Once you notice misalignment, a visit to your orthodontist in Weybridge becomes necessary. But still, some people remain curious: what causes crooked teeth in the first place? It is time to find out here.

The Root Causes

orthodontist in WeybridgeIf we were to lump together the factors that cause teeth to look crooked, we will end up with two major categories: genetics and oral care habits. To further understand why this happens, it’s important to take a look at the two.

Genetics do have a role in the appearance of your teeth. Some people have naturally large teeth paired with a small jaw. Crowded teeth and incorrect jaw development may also prompt the need for orthodontic solutions later on. These hereditary factors are half of the reason you may have to wear braces.

The second category, oral care habits, is something you can address early on. Incorrect habits such as thumb sucking, reverse swallowing, and tongue thrusting could all affect the development of your teeth. These actions may gradually move some of your teeth. This shift from their supposed position prompts the other teeth to adjust, thus creating that crooked look.

The Solution

Having crooked teeth could lead to a series of serious health problems. Cleaning is more difficult with crooked teeth, thus making you prone to plaque and tartar buildup. Infections may also happen more easily in this case. As such, it is important to visit an orthodontist to know your options in correcting alignment.

At Weybridge Orthodontics, we straighten crooked teeth with the right solution. As one of the largest orthodontic practices in South England, we provide a wide range of treatments to crooked teeth. Whether through a removable appliance or Invisalign, our orthodontist in Weybridge will find a way to correct your dental problem. Contact us today for more information about what we offer.

Early Orthodontic Care: When to Take Your Child to the Orthodontist

You may notice that people getting braces and other orthodontic care seem to get younger and younger. There was, in fact, a time, about a decade or two ago, when older teenagers were the only ones that used braces—but that is beginning to change.

Weybridge OrthodonticsThis is because many parents are realising that orthodontic conditions are simply easier to correct while a child is younger. Early intervention provides orthodontists the opportunity to have control over where the permanent teeth come out by addressing the structure of the teeth while the primary ones are still in the mouth.

When to Go to the Orthodontist

Many dentists recommend that children see an orthodontist for the first time between the ages of 7 and 9. It is during this age that permanent teeth begin to emerge; issues on tooth alignment generally start to appear at this time.

Early orthodontic intervention allows for a proactive response to emerging problems and makes it easier to straighten crooked, misaligned, or even rotated teeth. It also helps guide, preserve, or create space for permanent teeth, as well as correct bite and speech problems by guiding the growth of the jaw.

There is a decreased need for extraction of permanent teeth in children that undergo orthodontic intervention. It also helps address the orthodontic issues immediately, and allows the orthodontist to follow up with another round of treatment when the child has all adult teeth in place.

Early Warning Signs of Orthodontic Issues

It is important to be cautious if your child’s permanent front teeth came in very early, or if your child has a crowded set of permanent teeth coming out. These, along with open bites, deep bites, cross bites, and over-jets, are the early signs of trouble in adult teeth. It is important for your child to see an orthodontist right away if these signs are evident.

If you are curious about whether your child needs early orthodontic treatment, feel free to contact Weybridge Orthodontics, the sought after orthodontists in Weybridge and one of the largest orthodontic practices in South East England. We are more than ready and happy to discuss your child’s case.